How are Surrogate Mothers Selected? Can I Ask My Friend to be a Surrogate Mother?
How are Surrogate Mothers Selected?
Our surrogate mother bank is meticulously curated, and candidates undergo rigorous medical examinations, criminal background checks, financial background investigations, and psychological assessments, totaling five strict screenings. RSMC requires all surrogate mothers to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, meeting specific criteria: aged 20 to 37, having delivered at least one child vaginally, non-smokers, non-drinkers, drug-free, BMI below 32, and residing in a region supportive of legal surrogacy.
In addition to the mentioned criteria, we also evaluate surrogate mothers' mental health, family support, empathy, and willingness to assist prospective parents. Surrogate mothers must pass a psychological evaluation with a psychologist to ensure both physical and mental well-being before becoming part of our surrogate mother database. As the only doctor-managed surrogacy agency in the United States, the health of surrogate mothers and babies is our top priority. Before the transplant, both the surrogate mother and prospective parents must sign relevant legal contracts to ensure protection under the law and the agreements in place.
Can I Ask My Friend to be a Surrogate Mother?
We do not recommend having a friend act as a surrogate mother because it compromises your privacy, and RSMC's surrogate mother selection process is intricate and strict. We employ blood tests, pregnancy history reviews, psychological assessments, and comprehensive medical examinations to screen surrogate mothers. The surrogate mother screening process typically takes several months, and failure in any aspect disqualifies a candidate from becoming a surrogate mother. Therefore, RSMC maintains a pass rate of around 4%, reflecting the high quality of our surrogate mothers.
Let RSMC, with 30 Years of Reproductive Medicine, Help You Achieve Successful Conception
RSMC's clients come from around the world, and to serve our diverse Asian clientele, we have established consultation services in Chinese, English, Japanese, and Cantonese. Combining local medical resources and organizing future arrangements in the United States, we provide professional and reassuring one-stop services. If you have more questions about surrogacy or need further information about the process and fees, feel free to contact us. Schedule a free virtual consultation with RSMC's director, Dr. Harari, who has over 30 years of clinical experience. Contact us via Line/WeChat: rsmctw, Whatsapp: +1 858-342-6046.
Further Reading: Introduction to Surrogacy in the United States, Surrogacy Process, and Frequently Asked Questions - All in One Read.
President and Chief Medical Officer
As a board-certified OB/GYN since 1986, Dr. Harari has treated many infertile couples over his career, utilizing surgical technologies such as robotics and minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, and other gynecologic conditions. He has been instrumental in helping thousands of couples build the family of their dreams through both IVF and surrogacy.
About Dr. David HarariOther
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